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Haunted In New York...


Added > 9/7/2011  Views > 1637  Rating > 10

  Haunted In New YorkLast Updated: August 2011 << Warning >>Any places listed in the Haunted Places requires permission to visit or investigate. Many of the places are patrolled by the authorities, trespassers will be prosecuted. Adirondack M...
Loch Ness Monster...


Added > 9/6/2011  Views > 1886  Rating > 0

  The Legend of Loch Ness By Stephen Lyons Posted 01.12.99 NOVA "Many a man has been hanged on less evidence than there is for the Loch Ness Monster."—G.K. Chesterton For at least 1,500 years a legend has held sway in the Scottish Highlands that Lo...
UFO Evidence...


Added > 9/6/2011  Views > 1834  Rating > 0

  Welcome! UFO Evidence is one of the Internet's largest sources of quality research and information on the UFO phenomenon, with over 2,000 articles, documents and resources. News & Features UFO SIGHTING REPORT - Brewster, Ne...


Added > 9/6/2011  Views > 1762  Rating > 0

  Champ The Lake Champlain creature, Champ, has been seen near Port Henry for hundreds of years. Cryptozoologists think the creature may be a plesiosaur –a large underwater reptile not seen since prehistoric times. Samuel de Champlain, explorer for whom t...
Bigfoot Lives!...


Added > 9/6/2011  Views > 1846  Rating > 0

  Is it possible that a reclusive man-like creature inhabits the remote areas of our planet? Why not? Isn't it arrogant of us to assume we know of all the species on this huge planet? Scientists will tell you that we don't. Only a few ...
Amityville Horror...


Added > 9/6/2011  Views > 2076  Rating > 10

  THE   M U R D E R S In the early evening hours of November 13, 1974, the patrons of Henry’s Bar, a tavern located at the corner of Merrick Road and Ocean Avenue in Amityville, chatted while sipping their beers and cocktails. To them, the start ...

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